Annyeooong !
Its a rainyy saturdaay.
Anyway lama juga yaa ga ngepost apa apa.
I dont feel like writing nowadayss.
Anywaay 2014 is almost overr.
Seru kali ya kalo bikin postingan kaleidoskop gitu wkwk #berasapenting
Tapi highlight minggu inii adalah gue mencobaa untuk seek joy not love haha.
Jadi instead of hoping that the right man will come
I prefer to have fun with any men around eh maksudnya bukan yg negatif gitu ya.
I just start to realize gitu kalo nunggu yg perfect dan sesuai ekspektasi mah ga akan nemu
Jadi mendingan berteman seluas2nya dgn cowok2. Kalo ada yg brengsek ya distop komunikasinya, ada yg ga nyambung ya distop komunikasinya wkwk
Asaaaaal gue udh yakin dulu dia bukan pacar orang hahaha
Jadi sambil mempercantik inner dan outer beauty, marih kita seek joy not love.
Lagian setelah gue pikir2 kalo gue nemu ' the one ' nya itu sekarang2 ini pun gue belom siap nikah juga gituu wkwk
Lets havee fun ifalifa :3
Buenas Noches !
Judul postnya canggih kan ? Haha
Iya jadii gue sedang dalam tahap hidup lebih sehat wkwk.
Setelah ga pernah cocok melakukan olahraga apapun ( baca : ga konsisten )
Akhirnya di bulan Agustus gue memulai olahragaa rutiin yeeah.
Jadi namanya adalah Senam Body Perfomance.
Senam ini diciptain sama Ibu Minanty Atmanegara itu loh yg artis itu, senam ini merupakan gabungan dari yoga, pilates dan kegel. ( fyi kegel itu senam kesuburan wkwk )
Awalnya sih ga ekspektasi byk ya soalnya yaa nyoba duluu.
Etapi setelah beberapa bulan berjalan ternyata efeknyaa banyak bgt oy.
Dari mulai metabolisme lebih lancar, stamina lebih kuat dan ga gampang sakiit padahal bulan2 lalu sempet hectic bgt :)
Emang sih berat badan ga drastis turun beberapa kilo gitu yaiyalah org makannya ga dijaga dan ga diet wkwk
Tapi yg utama adalah ngebentuk badan bgt oy, perut bagian atas gue ada absnya dikit terus pinggang juga makin berbentuuk dan tentunya 2 bagian badan yg menonjol itu makiin kencang wkwk #narsisabis #asetbuatnyenenginsuami hahaha zampah :3
Yaa intinyaa terasa bgt segernyaa, pikiran lebih positif dan lebih enerjik hoho.
Target selanjutnya sih pengen turun bbrp kiloo lagi di tahun depaan.
Doakan makin konsisten dan sehat yaa ;)
Helloo ! Another satnite in home wkwk.
Anyway just have a really fruitful conversation with Om Opi.
We talk about brands and marketing world enthusiastly.
I suddenly realize that actually Om Opi is one of my role model in terms of career life.
I get to know marketing world for the first time is from him.
And turns out i'm really interested to this world and promise to myself that one day i'll be marketeer too :")
So when finally we have the same talks is kind of dreams come true !
Walaupun aku msh butiran debu dan beliau udh senior manageer tapi seneng ketika Om Opi bilang wah banyak nih insights2 yang bisa didapet dr Ifa wkwk.
JIts a simply happiness :))
" Cinta itu engga kayak mie instan yang cuma butuh waktu tiga menit udah matang. Cinta itu lebih mirip rendang, yang butuh proses lama biar bumbunya meresap dan empuk dimakan ".
Menanggapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang hadir dr sahabat sahabat setelah satu post yg menggegerkan path kemarin.
Ifa tau its nonsense if i didnt feel something.
Sad ? Err a bit maybe
Jealous ? No at all.
Dan menurut gue, hal ini bkn jadi ancaman buat gue untuk cepetan punya pengganti.
Gue gamau terjebak di persoalan cinta (lagi) cuma karena mslh gengsi blm bisa move on duluan.
If he already got the replacement, then its good for him lah. I wish the best for him and his new girl.
And i dont wanna hurry to be in love just because i dont want to be single. I'll be in love again when i'm ready.
Right now i have plenty things to be achieve for hoho
Somehow i enjoy this kind of "alone time". Tapi kalo nanti nemu yang satu " frekuensi " yaa bkn ga mungkin sih hatiku bisa kebuka lagi hihi , eh dgn catatan bukan pacar orang yaw wkwk #pengalaman #kapok.
Nimen Hao !
Hari ini akhirnyaa memberanikan diri untuk ikut HSK 3 * setelah wacana bertahun tahun wkwk *
Tadi tesnya di Pusat Bahasa Mandarin UAI.
Yang tidak diperkirakan adalah ngerjain internet based jauuh berbeda sama ngerjain yg di kertaas :""")
Dan lagi selama ini gue dan Bintang ga pernah ngerjain pake waktu wkwk jadi keteteraaan bgt pas di section 2 huhu.
But anyway at least we've tried ;)
Resultnya akan muncuul 1 bulan lagi dan sejujurnyaa gue agak pesimis wkwk.
Tapi jadi makin semangat sih buat ngejar lagi di ielts dan persiapan s2 lainnya hoho.
Doakaan atleast HSK 3nya lulus yaa :)
Heyhoo !
Abis senam enak bgt seger ! Hoho
Anyway tadi ada percakapan random sm Ayah gara2 nemenin nonton tv.
Jadi menurut ayah, pendidikan itu semakin penting bgt buat wanita.
Dia ngeliat Ka Fi, sepupu gue yg s2 Psikologi UI itu memang beda pola pikirnya.
Dan itu berpengaruh bgt sm cara dia didik anaaknya
Terus ayah bilang, ayah nyesel dulu ga nyekolahin anak2nya yg notabene kebanyakan perempuan itu sampe setinggi tingginya.
Cuma Mama kan yang bisa sampe lulus kuliah itupun D3.
Jadi yaa secara implisit, Ayah pengen generasi selanjutnya aka cucu cucu ini bisa lebih tinggi pendidikannya hoho.
Berarti udah makin jelas kalo keinginan Ifa buat S2 itu didukung hehehe syeneng bgt
Allrightt, challenge accepted Ayaah !
I will prove that i can be a granddaughter that you'll be proud of !
Bismillaaah semakin semangat euy :")
Hey !
So yesterday is my first family outing day !
And Big Babol is the main sponsor so i have responsibility in support of what Marketing can do.
The big thing is i brief CJR by myself loh ! Wkwk sumpah norak bgt abisan kan biasanya pake agency atau eo tapi kali ini Ifa yg directly contact them hoho.
Thankfully it went well enoughh ya walopuun agak ngaret sedikit tapi kehebohaan org2 PVMI krn CJR dtg sih gila bgt loh haha :")
Anyway kemarin byk yang dtg sm keluarga atau pacar
Semoga tahun depan kalo ada family outing lagi udah punya gandengan yaa faa #tetep
#just #keep #believing :3
its a nice and noisy sunday morning.
I'd like to share you about living in grandparents house which already i've been through for almost 13 years.
Almost half of my life spent in Rumah Umi.
So here's the story goes :
My mom is the 4th daughter and the most skillfull one in terms of cooking and taking care of the house so my grandma is so much depend on her ever since she was still on junior high school.
And also compare with another aunties, my mother is really engga tegaan. Even when we already lived in our own house, she always cooked everyday for my grandparents. I was still in elementary school back then.
Suddenly when i still on 5th grade, my family have financial crisis, my dad's store burnt and we decided to move back to Rumah Umi until now.
Theres so much differences between live in your own house and on your grandparents house, such as :
1) You'll learn to live in high tolerance. Seriouslyyy, every week or day there will be aunties and uncles coming, you have to serve them, you have to give your smile even you actually really tired. *pengalaman abis *
2. You'll learn to taking care of oldies. Especially my grandma because she is in the sick condition so need some help to take a bath or take wudhu etc. And beware oldies are cranky too wkwk but they are very wise indeed :")
3. You'll more independent or in my case didnt like to depend on other people's help hoho. Because sometimes people see us *my family* as an object that needs financial help and i dont like that perspective. I prefer worked my ass off than expecting someone will give the money. Thats why i've experienced in earning money since i was in high school. * life is tough indeed :3 *
Actually there are still many differences but i suddenly lose the writing mood wkwk * its too noisy here, lots of people sleepover todaay *
I'll see you in next post ! :)
Heyho !
Suddenly my playlist play a song that directly makes me remember someone.
Wait, this isnt A. This is someone that i think always be my unfinished business hahaha. * if you know what i mean *
So this song its a song that we talked about when 2010.
Actually sometimes i still want to casually chat him and talk about books or anything or just make fun of his fave singers.
But i dont have the guts anymore :(
Since i heard something about what he talked to his friends.
So i guess its the sign to stop disturbing him hehe.
Because if someday he remember me, he will chat first right ?
Heyhoo !
Well its November already, wohoo 2014 came just in flash wkwk.
And same like another year, i have life targets to achieve.
Some of this yeaar targets have been achieved * Alhamdulillah
But there's still some target that havent.
I know i've maybe too focus in love at the beginning of the yearr * baca postingan dr jan to april itu sih bikin malu * hahaha
Been too galaaau tapi gapapa sih untung blog sendiri walopun skrg ada bbrp post yg udah dihide wkwk.
Anyway alhamdulillahnya dr mei udah mulaii lebih fokus ke kerjaan hoho secara ya makin hectic terus tiap nyampe rmh juga udh capek dan ada org yg tiba2 intense chat gitu deh wkwk #eh
Aduh gue kok jd ngelantur ceritanya haha.
Yaa pokoknya walau tinggal 1bulan lebih dikit tapi masih byk yg harus dicapai !
Kyk presentasi buat digital brief dan mt review belum juga selesai :"""")
Doakan akuh yaaa nantii akhir desembeer akan ada mt review, penentuaan perfomance selama setahun ini akan membawa kemana ? *jengjeng*
Semogaa jadi permanent employee teruus titlenya ABM wkwk ngareep padahal Brand Executive dulu juga rapopo :3
Wish me luck dear readers ! * berasa blogger pro * :")
Been there, done that bangeet ! :")
Sayangnya memang bukan kamu mungkin yang diperbolehkan Allah untukku wkwk.
Semoga dipertemukan dengan yang bisa jadi imam untuk sholat berjamaah sekaligus untuk hidup di dunia dan akhirat ya faa :3
#just #keep #believing
Jadi ini adalah percakapan dgn beberapa cowok yang pure cuma temen doang dan sangat mengena di hati :
E : Jadi waktu itu lo mau curhat apaan Fa ?
I : Udah kadaluwarsa curhatnya wkwk. Gue udah sempet deket sm orang lain terus sakit hati lagi.
E : Kalo dideketin cowok jangan curhat tentang mantan makanya Fa :p.
* jleb bgt, err yaa kan susah kalo deketnya awalnya temen hahaha *
B : Lu kasian bgt sih ya peh, sial amat lu.
I. : Seandainya aja kita bisa ngintip masa depan yak biar tau siapa jodoh kita ya. Paling engga biar tenang aja gitu.
B : Intip jodohmu dengan doa peh.
B : Terus kalo mau lihat jodoh lihatlah dengan cermin. Karena jodoh adalah cerminan diri kita peh.
I. : Berat amat bahasa lu tumben, abis makan steak yak?
* walau yg ngmg ini adalah playboy cap ciledug tapi gue mikir bahwa omongannya bener juga sih *
Lesson learnednya adalah mari mempercantik diri baik outer beauty maupun inner beauty. Kalo mau jodoh yang baik yaa harus ngebuat diri jadi lebih baik juga .
Terus harus makin pinter kali yak kalo dkt sama cowo, yang jelas jangan curhat soal mantan terus jangan cepet hanyut hahaha.
Cheers !
Ni Hao !
So i just realize that 2014 isnt really a good year for love wkwk.
Yaa due to the continous brokenheart moments * anaknya gampang hanyut *
But then thats really okay.
Maybe it just a path that i have to through.
Maybe next year will be a good year for love * ngarep bgt * haha
Anyway although this year my lovelife isnt good but so many blessings i got in another aspects of life.
Thats why i keep smiling and still happy :"")
Thanks for all the blessings dear Allah SWT :)
Alhamdulillah Aala Kulli Hal :)
Heyhoo !
Err i'm sorry for another galauness post wkwk ini blog siapa sih kok gue minta maaf haha
Anywaay sebenernya gue happy happy ajaa siih :3
Nothing to worry about * kyk ada yang worry aja *
I'm getting realize that bad things may keep happen but life goes on anyway.
And you still can find happiness along the way
Because you know that its not about who love you or what you have that makes you happy
Happiness is depend on you. :)
Happiness is state of mind and also happiness is an inside job :)
Cheers and be happy !
Sometimes its not the person that you miss
You only miss the situation or the feeling faa.
Feeling to be loved.
Especially when you already try to open your heart to new person but turns out it hurt you too just like the previous one.
And you just end up feeling so stupid.
Cause you like someone else's man and he dissappear just like everything was never happen.
Relax, these things too shall pass.
Berkat punyaa temaan hobby travelling adalah selalu dapat info tentang tiket promo duluan :")
Daan walaupun skrg masih tahun 2014 tapi destinasii untuk 2015 sudah ada loh hihi
* super excited padahal masih lama *
Adaa 2, yg 1 domestiik dan 1 abroad wkwkwk #horangkayah #likeaboss
Anyway tapi sist Maya Mazaya sih bener2 baik loh kita dibolehin nyicil wkwkwk :3
Really cant wait for next yeaar holiday destination :)
Well, rather being sad because of another unnecessary broken heart.
I prefer to focus on some 2014 goals that havent achieved yet :)
Like HSK 3, Ielts Score and also ideal body.
Anyway got some happy news ! Big Babol won the social media awards ! Ihiiy so happy and proud :)
Hello !
Found some shocking news in this sunny sunday.
Well i guess i'm just dont aware that this guy already has girlfriend in his hometown joho
Bodohnya udah mulai suka lagi wkwk kebiasaan dasar ipalipa.
Well i think he will read it so i need to tell you something :
1) Thank you for talks and chats. You're such a nice boy and thank you for the treats too ya :)
2) If you already have girlfriend, you shouldnt play with another girl's heart dong kakaknya. Be loyal to her and make her the happiest girl.
3) Since i'm good girl so i dont play with somedy else's man then i wont respond you again, i hope you understand.
Cheers !
"Ibaratnya peh lo itu udeh diangkat terus dibanting lagi kayak adonan roti cane"
- Bari India -
di suatu hari ketika membahas kehidupan percintaan ipelipe yang masih belum mulus. :""")
Nice to have such a friend that always see a problem in silly way ;)
Remember faa !
Scholarship wont come unless you prepare and apply
Title wont come unless you doing your best at work
Tadinya berencana mengganti URL blog ini
Tapi kemudian ternyata kalo diganti, nanti di search namanya tetap ifalifasaysomething.blogspot
Jadi kasian gitu kalo yang lagi nyari info soal MT-MTan
Nanti blog ini tidak ditemukan gitu
#berasablognyapentingbgt hahaha najong yak.
Anyway tapi akhirnya kayak its time untuk ganti header
I'm getting mature gituh masa judulnya easy smile, easy cry -__-
Sebenernya berniat ganti layout sekalian tapi mager shay
Mau posting soaal liburan duluu nih ya ihiiy.
" If you got an eerie feeling after hanging up the phone
Sort of happy feeling but you're not sure what's called "
please dont let me down
please dont say that it just a summer fling when you're in Jakarta
cause i think...
i think i like you
I never expert in guessing man's feeling deh
Yang susahnya kalo udah overwhelmed happy tapi sebenernya ga ada apa apa.
Tapi aku rapopo kok
Iya rapopo. Udah biasa :")
Kan sebenernya kmrn gue post kalo gue sempet kangen lg sm A
Eh tapi kenapa malah td malam yang dimimpiin si (err sebut saja dia K )
Jangan-jangan dipelet hahaha #digetoksamaK
Btw janji ngasih oleh tapi sekarang orangnya malah sakit.
Get well soon K ! :)
Btw i chat with A today, and found out he already moved on too
And he's seeing someone else too.
Yeaay good for him :)
I ever thought that he cant move on from me
Hahahaha #pede #tingkat #dewa
Hope whoever we be with in future, we always be happy yoo :)
One of my favorite song !
Ada 1 liriknya yang bagus banget deh
" I've been learning to live without you now, but i miss you sometimes "
Yes i miss you sometimes A
Hell yeah, we've been through 2 years gitu loh hahaha
Ga masuk akal banget kalo kadang2 ga kangen.
And i'm missing you now.
Ditambah lagi postingan path kamu yang bilang soal flashback,
Wkwk duh nanti kalo postingan ini diterusin malah dibilang galau
Eh tapi berarti ya kalo kita masih flashback atau kangen itu artinya
Yang pernah kita lalui itu membahagiakan karena ga mungkin orang kangen atau flashback sesuatu yang ga berarti buat dirinya kan ya ? Hehe ;)
I'm thankful for old "us":)
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My own love story :) |
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Make sure it'll worth it first |
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Let him find me |
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Just like someone said to me ;) |
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Just like my friends do. |
Too tired with society that always think that girls have to be in a relationship to be happy
Maybe they havent read those quotes
Or they even too insecure that even can be happy with their ownself :3
I'm single and happy and proud :)
Focus on Your Goals
And Rebuilding Your Life
The Right Person Will Eventually
Find Their Way To You.
- The Good Quote
Aih cantik sekali kata-katanya :)
Yuk fokus yang lain dulu yuk
Tadi kangen-kangenan sama Mama, Papa Rara setelah berhari-hari ga ngobrol panjang
Cerita soal liburan dan cerita hal-hal yang terjadi di rumah selama kupergi.
Dan pada akhirnya selalu dan selalu disimpulkan bahwa we are so blessed
Maksudnya ?
Iya, we have a lots of things to be grateful for :)
Sesimple tadi ngedeprok berempatan di tempat tidur kamar Mama
Sesimpel ngeceng-in berat badan masing-masing dan sedihnya sekarang Papa yang paling kurus :")
We may not have wealth as much as the other familes
But we have the warmth, and thats really enough for us.
Alhamdulillah :")
Like usual i always ruined this thing
Said something that sounds really needy
And then he change wkwk
Yauds deh, whats most important is i said what i want to said and i'm ready for the risks.
Thanks god i dont really involving my feeling.
So when this happens, i dont feel too sad.
Cheer up ipalipa ! :3
Right one will come soon.
Anywaay akan segera adaa post ttg serunya liburan ke Bromo !
Tunggu yaa :)
Hello !
I'm on my home from super fun holiday at Batu and Bromoo.
Btw waktu itu tiba2 chat sm A lagi.
Tepat setelah ifa post ttg post dia yg di path.
Somehow ya Ifa merasa dia masih memperhatikanku dari jauh #geer
Mungkin seharusnya blog ini dilock aja yah hahaha.
But anyway akhirnya berhasil sedikit mengeluarkan unek unek yang selama ini masih nyangkut di hati.
Dan Alhamdulillah jadi lega :"")
I even can gave him some jokes but too bad he still can not talk like usual.
Yasudahlah yaa.
Tapi it nice to finally can talk with him again gituu :)
And i said to him that whether we can be friends again but he didnt answer.
But i can assuming no answer as a yes hoho.
Take care always A !
Kurang kurangin pesimisnya yah :)
Gue tau sih ini bukan hak gue untuk ngomong toh itu media sosial.
Tapi please dong as a man hrsnya lo mikir sblm ngepost.
Sedih loh bacanya bahwa yg bisa dibuang sembarangan adalah mantan
Seakan akan mantan ini adalah orang yg pantas dibenci terus dibuang ketika lo ga ada urusan lagi.
Ya mungkin menurut lo begitu.
Tapi terserah ya ini hidup lo gue jg ga punya hak lagi buat ngomong.
Cuma kalo lo ngerasa gitu, gue jadi bersyukur bgt udh ga sama lo lagi.
Krn trnyata lo sama sekali blm dewasa ya
Hola holaa !
Padahal lagi pengen packing buat liburan besok tapii malah sempet ngeblog haha.
Jadi tadi i have another meet up with this new boy ( its 3rd meet up btw )
And somehow i'm getting clueless about what's he currently trying to do.
Kyk apa ya, kode kode ada siih tapi in a really soft signals.
Terus kalo yg agak hampir modus juga suka muncul kadang2.
Actually i'm enjoying this gitu lho.
Kyk i like it when i can share almost everything to him in our call sessions.
Its kinda warming your heart ga sihh kalo ada org yg bersedia dengerin ocehan lo yg kadang2 ga jelass ? :")
And yet he also remember some details and its sweet.
So i guess, no need to questioning where will thiss going and what he actually feel.
Because i think we both know we enjoying this time and its enough for now. :)
Temen curhat itu bisa macem macem.
Tapi salah satu temen curhat paling absurd itu si India.
Setiap curhat pasti selalu dikaitin sm lagu dangdut -__-".
Tapi curhat sm si Bari emang seru sih krn objektif ngeliatnya ga dari sudut pandang cowok aja.
Maacih bar udh mau gue repotin dengan cerita dan galau galauan gue yak wkwk :"")
Dear Ifa,
I highly recommend you to not too much involving your feeling.
You barely know who he is and whats his motives
No need to feel something
Just take care of your heart, okay ?
Please keep yourself away from unnecessary broken heart.
Keep it in your mind !
Listen girls, dont be afraid to show who really are
If a guy really like you, he will accept you just the way you are :)
- Yulius Tirtasaputra ( ex boss)
I'm so lucky to got a chance of being his staf :")
Jadi gue merasa akhir-akhir ini kayaknya gue statis
Maksudnya lagi ga bener-bener menghadapi challenge gitu lho
Workload dikerjaan bisa dibilang ga sebanyak bulan lalu
Terus life problems juga bisa dibilang ga ada
Progress untuk beberapa mimpi malah belum kekejar sama sekali.
Ga latihan mandarin, ga latihan spanyol, toefl prediction gajadi jadi
Kyknya too much wasting time di hal2 remeh macem nge-sosmed gitu lho.
Then i should keeping on track
I'll set 10 things to do everyday in every role to use time more effectively.
Semangat ayo semangat faa !
Btw, liburaan ke Malangnya 10 hari lagi loh !
Really cant waitt :"")
Holaa !
I think its too early if i say that i like him.
But i almost feel something.
Well i think its a bit weird because he come just as same as i start to really move on.
When i just finally see the memories with smile.
So yea maybe its mystery of universe.
So this guy is stranger but not really a stranger bcause actually we met last year.
And we start talking about all of things, surprisingly we have somethings in common.
To be honest, i enjoy talking with him. Its like talking with an old friend from different campuss.
But i have some kind of feeling that he's in the middle of showing somehing #geerabis hahaha
Anyway, his joke is funny so yea i dont mind his weirdness hahaha #rese
Still dont know what will happen but lets just enjoy it :3
Just like The Corrs said : " Cause we're so young now, we're so young so young now " :D
Hi ! Jd td ifa liat2 tweet favorites lg dan ya masih byk yg punya A wkwk. When i finally let it go the anger and the confuseness, i finally realize that our past relationship isnt something that we should regret. It was impactful for both of us, we were happy. And maybe we just not destinied together but hey thats life. Thats the way things through actually. And i really hope that someday the awkwardness will dissapear and we can be friends again. Since i know too much about his life and he either. I always wish the best for you A , goodluck on your career. I know you have many great potentials :)
Ps : I dreamt of you last night, i hope youre allright.
I have rules for PDKT thing
One of them is not having any call session if we havent meet yet
And i broke the rule now -_-
He's just too stubborn
But actually the talking was good and i enjoyed it
Duh aduuuh gawaat.
ps : i still dont wanna tell who is he, just lets see what happen. :3
Annyeong !
Another post for today
So after Big Babol Exclusive Concert, beside giving compliments about my effort and supports
My bos also give me thissss
And yes, she is really sweeet ! :"")
She said its a little reward for me but actually this gift means a lot for me.
Really happy because i never buy MAC product before (since the price is expensive )
And the colour is perfectly fit my lips :3
Thank youu so much KR !
I will prove i could do better and learn more from you.:)
Go go ifalifaaa !
Judulnya berat yak hahaha
Sekali kali ngepost yang bermutu lah.
Jadi gini, ketika benar-benar memasuki dunia kerja
Gue semakin menyadari sesuatu
Bahwa memang di kenyataannya, wanita akan punya dilema
Dilema apa ?
Dilema antara memilih karir atau keluarga.
Hal ini tercermin dari orang-orang yang ada di kantor gue.
Rata-rata senior manager perempuan masih single
Dan ini bukan cuma di kantor gue tapi juga di perusahaan lainnya
Biasanya wanita yang kariernya bisa bagus banget masih single atau nikahnya telat
Yaa walaupun gaboleh menggeneralisir sih ya
Karena ada juga temennya nyokap gue, yang kariernya sampe senior manager tapi keluarganya juga oke.
Jadi sebenernya its not about your role but how you balance those roles sih
Gue sendiri sebenernya tetap ingin bekerja setelah menikah
Tetapi gue cukup fleksibel dengan keadaaan di masa depan nanti
Makanya pengen s2 dulu sebelum nikah kan supaya kalo nanti pas udah punya anak terus susah kerja kantoran full time, tetap bisa berkarya dengan mengajar jadi dosen misalnya hihi
Tapi self career target tetep ada sih :3
Kyk pengen jadi brand manager yang sukses mengembangkan brandnya gitu ihiiy !
Makanya kyknya pentiiiiing bgt nih buat nyari pasangan nanti yang punya visi yang sama
Jadi dia ga akan mengekang gue untuk tetap dirumah melainkan juga mendukung gue menggapai mimpi-mimpi personalku hehe :)
Semogaa nanti setelah menikah tetap bisa berkarya ya faa tapi keluarga harus tetap yang utamaa.
Wkwk sumpah ini postingannya kayak mau nikah besok
Cari dulu euy calonnya #eaaaa
Salah satu lagu jaman SMA yang terus terngiang-ngiang sampe sekarang
Dunno why, tapi melodinya enaak bangeet.
" You make me smile, please stand for a while now " :)
Dan lirik dan vokalnya bagus hehe, i love Colbie Caillat
Akhirnya mengusir rasa kemalesan dengan memulaii nulis tentang Agustus
Yup bulan kmrn adalah salah satu bulan ter-hectic di tahun ini.
Daan akhirnya terlaksana jugalah " Konse Eksklusif Big Babol " ini :")
Alhamdulillah, i did my best
Yaa walaupun crowdnya diluar ekspektasiii.
Tapi seneng bangeet pas my lovely bosses say thank you and good job to me !
Aah this is what happen when you really love your job hehe :3
After this, there will be another event in Makassar.
And my bos already told me that she expect bigger responsibility for me in Makassar event.
Yippiee such a pleasuree !
Cant wait for November :))
ps :
Anyway seneng ada yang nyemangati pas H-1 konser.
Just simple sentences from the one you like could make you feel more energetic
*eh* did i mention i like him ? wkwkwk :3
Its been a while ga nulis panjang wkwk padahal cuma seminggu
Jadi i've a lot thing to share
Tapii too many topics jadinya males sendiri hahaha.
So i just want to share my about day
Since i got no one to share about it #curcolmelulu #padahaludahceritakemama
So today i had one of a thrilling experience about responsibility
I promised to KAM that the concert ticket will be done on today morning
But turns out the printing vendor got some trouble then it was delayed until noon.
KAM already promise to the distributors which is huge distributor about the ticket
And promise is promise, distributors insisted they have to get the tickets today.
Another problem then coming, printing vendor cant courrier the tickets to the distributor's office because its too far, outside Jakarta.
I cant push them though because its not their responsibility.
Then i cant said to KAM that the tickets cant be send to them today
I scared, i'm anxious because i already promised to her :""
Then miracle happen ! My boss said why i dont use Ojek Service instead i send it by myself
So i check to our OB whether he has an Ojek friend or not
And the good news is he has ! So i brief the Ojek and thanks God the tickets landed on Distibutors office safely !
Makin lama makin belajar banget tentang tanggung jawab
Karena kan apa yang gue lakuin ini bukan hanya akan ngebawa nama gue sendiri
Tapi juga nama Brand Team Big Babol * ihiy *
Dan juga bawa nama baik Marketing Team *asyeek* hahaha
Sembilan harii lagii menjelang konseer loh !
Printilan masih banyaak, hati masih kosong ajaa #eh hahaha
Abis konser kudu banget makan Pempeeeek :9
2 post sebelum ini sebenarnya bukan kisah nyata haha
Cuma bentuk keisengan belaka wkwk
Anywaay ini malam minggu terus gue malah blogging
Sounds really single, huh ? Wkwk
But i will have family movie night tonightt, yeaaay !
Terus hmm apa yaa, mau update aja kali yaa apa aja yg terjadii beberapa minggu belakangan
-) Akhirnya daftar senaam
Wkwk setelah berbulan-bulan wacanaa, akhirnya gue bareng dias berhasil daftar senam
Jadi senam ini adalah senam Body Perfomance di Studio Primadona yg punyanya Minanti Atmanegara
Anyway pas kita daftar, yang jaga di meja tamu si Cantika lhoo aslinya cantiik banget badannya juga bagus
So far baru 6x latihan dan tubuh mulai berasa enakan, kayak lebih fresh aja gitu
Terus senam ini juga mengencangkan otot2 kewanitaan dan menjaga kesuburan
Yaa itung itung persiapan buat nikah lah * calon suaminya aja ga ada sih faa *
-) Lebih sering belajar Spanyol dibanding Mandarin
Jadi semenjak gue download DuoLingo di Gilov
Gue jadi semakiiin termotivasi belajar bahasa Spanyol
Terus ada notifikasinya biar belajar tiap hari gitu kan jadi seneng
Tapi mandarinnya semakin terlupakan huhuhu
-) Makin dekat sama keluarga besaar
Seneng banget sih sama fakta ini sihh
Jadi ga cuma sama sepupu-sepupu keluarga Mama
Tapi juga sekarang deket sama sepupu dari Papa
Family comes first ! :3
-) Rencana liburan ke Malang semakin visible
Hahaha jadiii setelah hopeless karena org2 byk yg belum dpt cuti
Terus juga bingung pergi sama siapaa padahal pengen liburaan
Jadii akhirnya gue akan liburan sama dhiya, hani dan keluarga dari Ayah gitu gituu
Kyknya bakaal seruu ihiiy
Thats all the highlightss !
Anyway ultah Mama semakin dekat dan duit udah hampir habiis hahaha
Konser Big Babol jugaa 2 minggu lagii cyiin, wohoo deg degaaan :D
Gue bukaan tipe pembaca novel berbau sejaraah
Tapi novel Pulang adalah pengecualian
Totally recommended !
Ga nyesel banget sampe nyari ke 3 toko buku :")
Jadi pengen beli novel berbau sejarah lainnya :)
Udah Agustus lagi ajaa niih wkwkwk.
Banyak orang2 terdekat gue yang ultah di bulan Agustus #eh hahaha
Anyway 2014 udah lebih dari separuuh berjalaan
Dan bulan lalu yaitu Juli, adalah salah satu bulan terhectic hehehe
And July highlights are :
-) Bigger chance & responsibility in work
Seperti yang gue ceritakan di beberapa post sebelumnyaa, di bulan ini kayaknya bos akuh udh mulai percaya sama kemampuan gue. Kyk gue dibolehiin business trip sendirian *norak banget* terus gue disuruh presentasi pas CoMet yang pastinya banyak juga orang dari Dept Sales. Terus gue mulai ikutan meeting tentang Long Term Strategy yg which is seruu bangeet hehehe :))
Alhamdulillaah, semoga seterusnya terus bisa nunjukin yang terbaik ya faa.
Anyway, bulan ini beneran bakalan ada Presentation Review *dipaksa HRD*
Daan gue deg-degan bangeet huftt doakan lancaar
Doakaan juga event Big Babol super besar di bulan ini lancaar dan hits abis yaa.
Sangaat deg degaan tapi juga optimis sih hihi :)
Sebenernya ada highlights yang lainnya tapi males ceritainnya hahaha
Helloo !
Happy Eid Mubaraak :)
Alhamdulillah masih ketemu lebaran lagii.
Anyway kupikir pikir postingan terakhir kok ya galau bgt yah hahaha
Maafkan yah kalut lagi setelah sekian lama
Tapi after talk with my bestfriends, i'm getting sure i can reallyy move on !
Yah walaupun ga gampang tapi pasti bisaa.
Bbrp bulan kmrn juga udah bisa kan faa.
Mungkin memang akan too hurry kalo udah buru2 punya pacar lagi
Selaiin itu ga ada juga sih calonnya haha.
Dinikmatin dulu aja, kangen sih wajar namanya juga manusia.
Missing someone doesnt always means you want him back to your life, kan ? ;)
I'm sure i'll be allright :3
Got this picture from Nabila and it really fits with our lovelife situation :)
Jadi saat ini bukan dalam pengen cepat-cepat in a relationship sama orang
Tapi cuma lagi butuh a good company, someone to talk and laugh with
Lets find one, shall we ? ;)
Bosaan posting galau ataupun tentang kerjaan nih wkwk
Jadi jadi kemarin malam gue belanjaa beberapa make up kit baruu *yeay*
Beberapa emang udah jadii wishlist gituu
Akhirnya kesampean beli :"")
Semoga habis ini dandannya makin rapih ya faa !
Anyway yang kubeli itu adalah :
-) Maybeline Eyeliner Gel Hitam
-) Maybeline Mascara
-) Revlon Lipstick
Another wish list adalah nyari BB Cream dan Pelembab yang lebih cocok.
Muka udah mulai gatal-gataal niich huhu
Halooo !
Live from kamar 208 Hotel Ibis Surabaya.
Alhamdulillah bgt hotelnya enaak tapi tadi ga kebangun sahur padahal udah dibangunin sm mas masnya wkwk.
Tapi tetep coba puasaa dulu ya bismillah :)
Anywaaay tadinya sempet berharap ada yg ngucapin safe flight dll, ternyata yaa memang he really doesnt feel the same wkwk
Padahal dia kan tau bgt gue bakal pergi hehe yaudin fa makanya jgn ngarep :")
Its getting clearer now !
Marii kitaa cari gebetan baruu aja, orang EO ada yg ganteng tuh wkwk.
Doaaakan event Big Babol hari ini lancaar yaa ! :)
Semangaat ifalifaaa
Jadi di minggu ini, gue mulai ga berfikir tentang cinta-cintaan
Yaa bukannya jadi ga sama sekali sih
Tapi jadi lebih nyantai ajaa gitu
Kalo masih inget yang dulu-dulu sih wajar kali yah
Atau keinginan untuk deket sama orang baru ya tetap ada sih
Tapi jadi ga ngoyo, jadi santai ajaa gitu
Bohong bgt sih kalo cewek ga pengen ada yang nemenin
Apalagi udah umur segini kaan hihi
Tapi seriously yang dirasain sekarang sama seperti potongan lirik ini :
" Buka mata, hati, telinga sesungguhnya masih banyak yang lebih penting dari sekadar kata cinta"
Yupp betuul !
Cinta memaang penting tapi kalau belum dikasih lagi sekarang gimanah ?
Lagipula kehidupanku saat ini juga menyenangkan :)
Jadi ayoo buka mata hati telinga faa :3
Love will come when you least expected, skrg fokus sama yang lain dulu yaa.
Yeaay its already July and its Ramadhan :)
Anywaay i want to talk about last week
So because its getting closer for Big Babol big eventss
Last week was very hectic and tiring
I made some mistakes and felt really guilty
But i always keep showed that i did my tasks wholeheartedly
Thats why eventhough she being angry to me for a while but she cant blame me completely hehe :3
Teruuus kan sebenernya untuk acara yang di Surabaya, yg dtg adalah orang McCann
Since boss gue ada meeting penting dan gue belum boleh pergi sendirian karena masih junior
Tapiiii tiba tibaaa, dia bilang ke Mbak Bel untuk siapin tiket buat akuuh
Udah mulai deg-degan tuuh, padahal sebelumnya ga boleh kaan
Tapi masih belum pasti karena dia belum iziin sama CB ttg gue pergi sendiri.
Nah tibalaah di Jumat Soree, gue terpaksa buka puasa di kantor karena nunggu email.
Trus CB dan KR discuss gitu di deket meja tempat gue buka
Pas diujung diskusi mereka, tiba-tiba KR nanya ke gue apa lagi yaa yang harus dibahas
Dan gue bilang " Soal Surabaya kak "
Dan akhirnya muncul lah percakapan :
KR : For Surabaya Event, preparation almost complete. And Ifa will go
CB : * memandangin gue sebentar * Okay
Ifa : * jingkrak jingkrak kegirangan dalam hatii *
Yaampuun seneeeng bangeet laah wkwkwkw
Abis mereka discuss, gue mencoba mengkonfirmasi lagi kan :
Ifa : Jadii aku ke Surabaya sendiri nih Ka ?
KR : Iyaa, tapi awas lho kerjanya ga bener. Jangan kebanyakan euphoria yaa
Ifa : Sippooo * nyengir berkepanjangaan *
Huaaaaaa, i'm so really blessed !
Padahal tadinya udah sedih karena gabisa ikut ke Surabaya
Tapi Allah Maha Baik dan Maha Pembolak balik Hati Manusia :"")
Terimakasiih banyak ya Allah ataas kesempatan inii.
This gonnaa be my very first businesss trip loh :3
Berarti udah semakin bisa dipercaya ya faa
Jangaan disia-siaain cyiin :""D
Syemangaat :D
- ipelipe :3
- Andy, Modern Family Season 5
" KR : Ip, emang lo udah mau berapa bulan sih ?
I : Udah mau 6 bulan kaa * nyengir *
KR : Yaampun cepet ya, Bel jgn lupa bikinin kartu nama buat Ipeh yaa"
* syeneeng, bos ku perhatiaan sekalii :"")
dulu sempet ngira kalo masih MT belum dapet kartu nama dulu *
" I : Terus yang ke Surabaya siapa ka ?
KR : Org McCann aja si Woro, tapi gue pengennya si lo ikut Ip
I : Hehehe aku mah mau bangeet * nyengir*
KR : Gue coba bujuk si engkong ya biar ngebolehin lo pergi sendiri
Tapi biasanya kalo msh junior gabisa pergi sendiri kecuali sm SBM peh "
* makin syeneeng, my boss fight for me :"")
" KR : Gimana menurut lo tadi meetingnya ?
I : Iya kak, bla bla bla
KR : Nah gitu dong, emang kita harus punya stand poin
Harus tau kita milih seseuatu itu benefitnya apa buat brand kita "
* bos ku mentor yang baik sekalii, ga pelit ilmuu :"")
Alhamdulillah Wa Syukurillah
Go show your best faa ! :"")
Jadi menurut gue penting banget untuk punya resolusi
Yah walaupun bagi beberapa orang resolusi itu ga penting
Tapi gue selalu konsisten ngebuat resolusi setiap tahunnya
Supaya at least hidup gue ada arah yang jelas gitu wkwk
Walaupun gak semua kecapai * turun berat badan, contohnya*
Tapi dengan adanya resolusi, hidup lo jadi makin exciting gitu loh haha
Menurut si Arry resolusi itu sebaiknya dibagi jadi 2 hal yaitu :
Resolusi Rutinitas dan Resolusi Capaian.
Nah ini dia resolusi gue di tahun 2014 :
Resolusi Rutinitas
1) Shalat 5 waktu tepat waktu dan konsisten di One Day One Juz.
Malu yah cyin udah kepala 2 tapi sholat masih suka jam-jam mepet. Jadi tahun ini semoga lebih tepat waktu sholatnya selain itu semoga semakin konsisten di ODOJ apalagi kalau udah mulai kerja kan harus pintar-pintar bagi waktu. Ayo jadi muslimah yang lebih baik.
2) Olahraga teratur
3) Kurangin minum air dingin dan jajan sembarangan
4) Jaga pola tidur
5) Lebih banyak luangin waktu untuk keluargaa dan jangan lupa silaturahmi sama teman-teman lama
Resolusi Capaian
1) Lulus program MT dan jadi karyawan tetap yang achievementnya bagus
2) Lulus mandarin level 7 dan lulus HSK 3
3) Mulai nyicil YDBP
4) Sudah punya Tabungan Perencanaan Masa Depan
5) Sudah mulai Investasi reksa dana
6) Membeli Gadget baru hahaha
7) Launching TBIM Rawasari sukses dan kegiatannya bersinambungan dan bermanfaat
8) Truly move on and finding new love.
9) Rutin latihan GMAT
10) Buy min. 2 new books every month
Well post ini tertunda hingga berbulan-bulan
Tapi at least ini masih worth it untuk ditulis
Beberapa resolusi capaian udah mulai tercapai kayak poin 4 dan 6 hihi
Tapi resolusi rutinitasnya banyak yang belum, bulan April aja udah keluar ODOJ.
But anywaay tetaap semangat faa !
you sure know you can do it right ?
I mean i dont wanna put my blog link on my Twitter profile or in another profile again
Coba waktu itu gausa promote di Kaskus haha
I just want my blog become my sanctuary
This blog just too much contains my deepest thoughts, my shamefull secret,
And when i feel i couldnt tell something to someone, this blog is my very bestfriend.
Cause writing always ease me :"")
This episode is about when Mitchell and Cam were finally can getting married
So they just prepare the best way to propose each other.
Its truly sweeet hihi eventhough in the end all they plan is ruined.
And this episode is inspire me to wrote about my dream proposal
Although i dont know for whom i wrote this post haha #sedih
So i was dreamt to be propose in one sweet candle light dinner
But later on i thought this is too cheesy hehehe
And now i always imagine that i'll be propose in Airport.
Why Airport ?
Because i dreamt i'll have my master degree in abroad
But when i come back in Indonesia, i'll marry someone
Hahaha these things are too ridicoulus, right ?
I really wish these all will come true
Isnt it so sweet to be propose when you just going back to home ?
Its like he already waiting you these time :"")
And he just cant wait any longer to propose, and he do that when he pick me up in Airprt
I still dont know who is my soulmate is
But i wish he read this post and know about this wkwk
Although its still imagination but at least it makes me smile :)
And got some surprise news from every of them
The biggest surprise is my very bestfriends is already proposed by her boyfriend
Sure we all know that they are gonna be marry
But i dont think that fast.
Its like we just pass from college phase to another life phase which is work phase
And we just still struggling to adapt with this work life.
Tapi tiba2 udah ada aja yang mau settle down, mau nikah
Daan ini benar-benar inner circle gue sendiri
Terus gue tersadaar
Temen-temen gue pasti nanti lambat laun udah mulai settle down sama pasangannya
Yang jelas hampir dari mereka mulai ngomongin ke arah sana lah gitu.
Nah big question nya adalah ? Gimana nasib gue ? Hahaha
Gue masih suka berfikir bahwa gue masih 22 tahun ini dan masih lumayan jauh lah pikirian untuk settle down.
Secara sekarang aja masih recovery hati haha ga selesai-selesai
Kalo ada yang nanya, emang ga mau nikah muda fa ?
Come on ! Kalo ada calonnya siapa sih yang ga mau hahaha apalagi kalo kyk nicholas saputra.
Tapi ya memang belum ada niatan kesana dulu sih
Its like gue masih belum ngerasa gue siap untuk ke fase hidup selanjutnya itu
Mungkin ada beberapa temen gue yang udah siap dan gue acung jempol akan itu.
Gue masih pengen menata dulu nih tentang apa yang gue pengen capai di umur 20-an ini.
Tentang calon seperti apa yang gue mau hihihi
Tapi kalau nanti sekitar 3-4 tahun lagi ada yang ngajakin settle down and we both love each other, why not ? ;)
" Cinta itu emang bikin sengsara peh, sama dah kayak lagu Meggi Z "- hasil obrolan sekaligus curcol absurd di minggu siang sama Bari Indiahe
Well another " kegeeran " phase wkwk
I assuming this one month conversations too far.
And turns out i have some expectation
Its never easy to guessing man's feeling
They're too misterious haha.
Its funny when you thought they feel something but actually they just playing the game.
Then no need forcing it fa.
If its meant to be, it will be.
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Yess, i like man who can makes me laugh. Cause i love making people laugh |
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Agree ! We dont need a man to be happy but to share the happiness |
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Loove this quote ! Lets not to hurry to start love another man. |
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Couldnt agree more ! When a man really passionate about something is just soo attractive to me Xixixixi i love inspiring quotes :) |
I had a quite nice weekend
Kemarin akhirnya kesampean nonton Stand Up Comedy secara live !
Wohoo seperti biasaa another sisterhood day.
Dan hari ini silahturami dengan keluarga Ayah Ali.
Terimakasih Allah untuk weekend yang menyenangkan :)
Teruuus gue browsing-browsing dan membuka file lama
Tenang-tenang bukan masalah percintaan lagi kok
Jadi i read emails during my internship in Kraft Foods last year
And i realize something
Dulu kerjaan yang gue hadapi di Kraft jauuuuh lebih stressfull
Karena pertama status gue masih anak magang terus gaji kecil
Terus belum tau apa apa tapi tanggung jawab udah gede.
Nah sekaraang gue udh resmi karyawan trus gaji lumayan
So there's no chance for me to easily give up or even ngeluh !
Maluu oy faa, *toyor diri sendiri*
Malu atuh kalo masih ga ngasih yang terbaik :"")
Walaupun i heard that my boss saying my progress is quite good
Tapii please dont ever satisfy with this !
Still loooong way to go faa, loong way to prove that you can !
Anyway tapi boss gue soo sweet banget loh
Walau lagi liburan dia forwardin email super menyenangkan tentang Big Babol
Its like she already think i'm part of this Big Babol success story
Aaah, makanya berasaa di recharge semangatnyaa ! :"")
Semangaat menghadapi minggu2 yang akan sibuk ke depannya faa !
Show your best !
Be more detaail and punctual !
Eager to learn and persistent !
You sure know you can do it right ? ;)
Jiayouu ifalifa :)
Happiness is going home from work and see your parents in good condition
Happiness is laughing out loud with your bestfriends either directly or by phone
Happiness is receiving simple compliment from your direct boss
Happiness is not spending too much time in traffic
Happiness is can help people by your own salary
Happiness is making your parents proud with your achievement so far
Happiness is knowing that you dont need someone to be happy,
because happiness comes from within of our self :")
Jadii setelah sekian lama wacana pengen belajar bahasa Spanyol
Akhirnya beli jugaa buku series Teach Yourself " Complete Spanish"
Hiyeeey alhamdulillah ada rezekinya buat beli :"")
Nyokap gue udah geleng-geleng kepala karena menurutnya gue BM banget
Ah yang pentingg seneeng.
Walupun rada bikin bangkrut harga paketnyaa tapi its gonnaa be worth it !
I hope someday every words from my mouth could be spoken in Mandarin & Spanish
Uwoow, bakal keren bangeet haha excited duluan.
Jiayouu Ifalifa :)
Current repeat on and on in my playlist !
Somehow kalo denger lagu ini jadi pengen LDR hahaha
Seriously kayaknya kalo someday gue punya another serious relationship
Sepertinya seru kalo LDR ajaa
Jadi guenya s2 dimana trus dianya juga s2 dimana haha
Kyk somehow LDR itu ngasih space buat masing-masing pihak untuk reach their dreaam.
Misalnyaa nih yaah nanti , Shanghai-UK atau Shanghai-Aussie ?
Who knows ? :P
Not really a new one, cause we already knew each other for long time
And he came just in time when i start to let go with the previous one
At first i thought oke its really nice to have someone to chat
Or someone to talk from a really unimportant things to a serious issue.
But you know i never good on hiding feelings
So last nite i did a really silly thing
And it makes really awkward haha
If only i could turn back time, i think i shouldnt say that sentence
But its okay lah
What will be, will be :)
And its truly my fault
What should i do ? :""""(
Sometimes i just too careless
And too scared cant meet her expectation
" Cinta itu rumit, namun setiap orang tidak sabar untuk jatuh kepada kerumitan itu dan ikut tersangkut di dalamnya "
Winna Efendi dalam Melbourne
Its June already, 2014 is almost half running.
Anywaaaay i really have good times in May !
Start from have a short vacation with gengs in Pulau Harapan ( will tell details in another post )
Meet other Penyala which somehow make me motivated to continue in TBIM Rawasari
Meet somee old friend in weekend, like mandarin friends !
Have another JJN with niaga 09
Getting enjoy my job too
Yaah walaupun ada juga beberapa suprising things
But May is such the best month in 2014 so far
Hope upcoming months will be better.
I'm so ready for you June :)
Even the start is really good
Aaah so happy and really blessed :")
Terus katanya ceritaa cinta ifa sebenernya bisaa dibuat novel
Awalnya gue mikir apaan sih ya mana mungkiin
Tapi kemudian lama-lama kepikiraan
Dan jadi kepengen nulis beneraaan
Okaay daripadaa gue menulisnya tidak terstruktur di blog
Lebih baik kita menulis beneraaaan
Yeaay, semangaat for this new challenge !
Anyway gue sudah menyiapkan quotes bikinan pribadi buat novel gue ini
" Cause there always a soundtrack for every phase of your life, so does move on "
Ciyeeh, fiwiiit hahaha * kesenengaan *
Will tell you all about the progress of this writing thingy soon yaa :3
PS :
Thanks for giving the inspiration, I :)
Duh maafkan ya kalau post-post terakhirnya malah berhubungan soal cinta
Cinta memang tidak akan habis untuk dibicarakaan #eh haha
Nah nah sekarang mari kita ngomongin soal kerjaan ajaa
Jadi hari Rabu kemarin ifa genaap 4 bulan di PVMI
Hooray time fast really fast, huh ?
What i made so far ?
Well i learnt muchh things and i hope i could learn and show more
Because when you really love what you do
You'll do your best and everything will be awesomee !
Smangaat ifalifaa !
Cause you know, you can do it, right ? ;)
All of my life lying on the sand, watching seabirds fly
Wishing there would be someone waiting home for me
Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you all of my life
Wondering how they met and what makes it last
If I found the place, would I recognize the face?
Something's telling me it might be you
Yeah, it's telling me it might be you
So many dreams to wake
And we've so much love to make
Oh, I think we've gonna need some time
Maybe all we need is time
And there're so much more no one's ever heard before
Something's telling me it might be you
And I'm feeling it'll just be you all of my life
(It's you)
Maybe it's you
(It's you)
I've been waiting for all of my life
" I dont fall in love easily, but when i do, i love hard "
Kalau berani bikin jatuh cinta jangan asal tinggalin aja :")
Mau secantik atau seganteng apapun, pasti mereka punya kebiasaan yang unik dan memalukan
Kecuali Nabi Yusuf AS yaaiyalaah nabi kan beda sama manusia hehehe
Kalo gue sendiri, fenomena di diri gue sendiri yang paling obvious adalah :
" Pelor atau Nempel Dikit Molor "
Jadi karena dianugerahi ability untuk cepet tidur, gue sampe suka dijulukin Pelor sama keluarga
Soalnya gue mudah sekali tidur gitu haha
Bahkan kadang-kadang di kereta kalo pulang kuliah capek bgt bisa tidur padahal berdiri
Iyaloh sensasinya tidur di kendaraan umum itu luar biasaa ( freak bgt kan )
Dulu pas kecil bahkan bisa ketiduran di bajaj padahal kan bajaj super berisik kyk gituh
Kyk tadi gue tidur nyenyaak bgt di bus kota hehehe bangga lagi
Maka, Nikmat Tuhan-Mu manakah yang kamu dustakaan faa ? :")
It been a while not to meet him
We talked about many things and mostly about love life sih
And i realize its really nice to finally talk about my lovelife without no tears
A couple months ago i still crying when someone mention his name ( lebay aja )
Then, i finally know that time surely will heal
No matter hurt i was
No matter how much i loved him
Particularly, when you feel sad for a long time
There will come a time when you dont feel sad anymore.
It just a matter of time
I know too much memories i had and its impossible to forgot all in just 1 or 2 months.
But at least, i finally can let my mind free from him.
Just like what he did so easily hehe ( masih aja dibahas )
I believe time will heal completely
I believe time will show when i'm ready to open my heart again. :)
" They say the important thing in life isn't about the destination. Its the journey. The challenges you find along the way, also the unexpected twists and turns."
- Manny on Modern Family Season 4
Semesta itu sebenarnya sama seperti hati manusia, tidak dapat dikira-kira
Jadii seneng banget setelaah ngecek di keywords
Ternyata beberapa tulisan Ifa tentang pengalaman MT itu di page one Google loh !
Aah senangnyaa :"")
Its such achievement for me lohh
Never thought before blog ini bisa dikunjungi banyak orang
* padahal promosi dikit sih di kaskus * Hahaha
But anyway semoga ini bisa jadi penyemangat untuk nulis yang bermanfaat lagii
Dan jangan terlalu galau lagi ;)
Buat yang merasa terbantu dengan tulisan pengalaman MT yang udah gue jalanin
Komennya ditunggu doong hihi * maksa * :))
Sebenernya lagi rada males nulis hehe
Tapi ada satu bahasan menarik yang ifa pengen tulis
Jadi kemarin kan curhat-curhatan sama Echa
Terus kita jadi nyadar satu hal
Bahwa terkadang cewek itu ga ribet
Cewek cuma butuh seseorang yang appreciate dirinya
Girls need someone who listen and appreciate them
Ada kan beberapa cowok yg merasa ganteng dan mapan
Tapi ga mengapresiasi ceweknya sama sekali malah ngeremehin ( ih males bgt sm yg kyk gitu )
Ada juga yang ga mengapresiasi perjuangan ceweknya ( bentar lg curcol ) haha
Yaudah intinya gitu aja sih hahaha
Yeay udah mau 9000 views
Semogaa bulan depan nyampe 10000 ! Amiin
Anyway, this months highlight adalah i finally let him go
You know even i stop crying at night ( sounds impossible, right ?)
But from middle of April, i start to think that its enough
Its time to stop re-reading the last page.
It doesnt mean that i totally forget everything
It just i finally realize that i have to be mature enough to let it go ( *backsoud*)
And its time to move to other things !
Masih banyak faa yang harus dipikirin
Karir yang masih belum safe karenaa harus ngebuktiin kalo ifa capable dan layak jd MT
Mandarin yang ternyata ga lulus lagi ( sedih banget )
Printilan buat apply s2 di China
Dan hal hal laiiinnyaa
Because my life is too precious to be waste for someone who even dont belong to me anymore.
Jadiii ? Lets move on, shall we ? :))