mixed feelings

Saturday, September 28, 2013

i dont know what happens

am i missing him so much ?
or am i started to being overreacted
its like i've plenty things  to share
about the test which i gonna take
tentang pilihan-pilihan karir yang ada
tentang komunitas memberi
even hal yang sepele tentang tadi abis creambath
i used to share a lot with him
but the change of status affect much
it seems that its not appropriate for me to bothering him for something that not really important
since he had more complicated problems than me
then i start to just hold it with myself
i dont know why
but it seems that the main topic oftenly about him
tapi can we sometimes forget about each one's problem
and talking some simple yet fun things
bukannya mau main hitung hitungan
tapi kan terkadang kita butuh orang yang mendengarkan
yang bisa ngebuat kita teralihkan pikirannya, jadi ga sedih
jadi sementara ga mikirin masalah yg kita jalanin
ifa tau ini dangkal bgt. 
but its true

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