Hey, Another " birthday - themed " post. Well, Alhamdulillah for another new age :"") This year is gonna be a big year since there'll be once in a lifetime moment that happen to my life. I know i've been blessed too much Even more that i deserve :"" Although still much complaining about life. But i'm truly thankfull ya Allah SWT. This...
In the middle of hectic week, suddenly i got the email from Future Me ! Yeaay another letter from the past :3 Lucukkk banget pas bacaaa Dan jadi pecutan semangat banget sihh hihihi. Lets do your best, ifalifaa :) ...
You know what is one of the best thing to do while you feeling down ? Counting your blessings ! :D Lets do this : 1) Kesampean kerja di brand teamnya FMCG which is impian dari sejak awal kuliah ! Walaupun yaaah masih tertatih tatih biar cepat bisa jadi brand manager #eh #mimpiajadulukan 2) Kantor dekat nan fleksibel ! Yup, jarak dari kantor...
I know it seems unprofessional if i talking about my workloads. I wont say much, though. It just seems unfair :( I know this gonna be a big learning for me Will be such a good things for my future. Huaa, growing up is surely ain't an easy thing yaah. Tapi malu juga gitu kalau mau ngeluh Banyak banget orang yang keadaannya lebih...