this is only the second days and i'm already missing him so much :"""""( you just have to keep on trying fa you need to do this ...
ini berlaku bagi semua ilmu kan yah ? mandarin juga kan berarti yah ? tuh fa Allah SWT aja udah menjanjikan kalau tidak ada ilmu yang sia-sia :"") ...
eh kesindir banget :""" ...
bismillaah :) bismillaah :) ...
Wanshang hao ! The last post was undercontrol ;) I should be more wiser before post something Anyway, i was officially accepted to be Virtual Delegates of Global Youth Forum 2012 I know its just virtual hihi But as long as i could more contribute then its okay, right ? Many things to do actually But it makes this life more and more...
at some point i'm just tired tired to be someone who they can laugh at tired to be someone they can tease with oh sure my closest friends should be know that i cant mad to them all i can do just pretending that everythings fine oh or i'm just significant if they could make fun of me maybe ...
post kali ini akan sedikit curcol dan penuh asumsi pribadi social media atau media sosial atau jejaring sosial pertama kali kenal social media adalah jaman smp ! haha fs aka friendster yang masih bisa diedit-edit lucu backgroundnya fs masih tergolong tidak bikin addicted dan ga terlalu seru tapi pernah juga deng dapat gebetan di friendster #eaa selanjutnya ketika fs mulai ditinggalin muncullah fb...
just got random thoughts ! i know maybe i'm not good at maintaining relationship but sometimes feels really sad that maybe among many bestfriends i had actually i had nothing who really will stay there saaad huh ? i know sometimes i just overthinking about something but i dont know everybody seems doesn't really know about my true feelings and i dont think...
Baru nonton campaign Coca - Cola yang Berani Mengubah dan merasa iri deh karena belum bisa melakukan hal sosial seperti itu ayo - ayo semangaat faa ! :) Quotesnya sih yang oke banget : " Ada 2 jenis pemuda, mereka yang menuntut perubahan dan mereka yang menciptakan perubahan ! " ...
maybe space is needed maybe we're just too needy or honestly me who just too needy and it ends to expect too much maybe space is needed maybe we're just too needy or honestly me who just too needy and it ends to expect too much ...
dont ever feel useless again faa :') dont ever feel useless again faa :') ...
HELP ! Ga ada perkembangan sama sekali sama si S Dan selalu mengucap beribu alasan kalau ditanya Aduh mau jadi apaa :s ...
NI HAO ! Okaay so last week was full of dissapointment ( lebay) hehe But good news is failure make us stronger right ?Or maybe God just letting me wait for better things ( i hope so ) It is official that i'm not gonna be part of UI Mengajar I know i wasn't giving my best perfomance at teaching simulation I didn't...
sweet and heartwarming words from my bestfriends
it's really good to have good friends
please take a good care for all my friends, dear God :)
i love you all :* :)
one of my biggest fear is being talked by people you sure know that kind of feeling ! its like you always scared that people talking you behind your back and as i grew older its normal you know even bestfriends do it too sometimes and to be honest, i did too but i also have another fear too its about being unsignificant...